
Thursday 3 March 2011

One too many?

Have you ever purchased something from the shops and hoped that the packaging contained more than the number specified on the label? Perhaps you had ten Chicken McNuggets from McDonalds rather than the nine you asked for. After all, most the staff there probably don't have basic numeracy skills. Regardless of what item you've purchased, it's always a pleasant feeling to get more than what you paid for. This is always the case with a pack of 10 pork cocktail sausages from Marks & Spencers.

Today I purchased a pack of 10 pork cocktail sausages to accompany my chicken, bacon and sweet corn pasta from Marks & Spencers for my lunch. The pasta is never quite enough for my lunch and I always like to push the boat out and make it a three meat pasta lunch. Despite the fact that Government scientists have recently warned us to eat less red meat I will not be persuaded to cut down. Some would question how much meat these sausages actually contain.

Anyway, back to my original point. My packet yet again contained 11 pork cocktail sausages. It's some what become an expectation of mine and I will be disappointed when the day comes that the number on the packaging matches the number of items within it.

Initially I thought this anomaly was an isolated problem with Marks & Spencers but one of my colleagues purchased the product from Boots today with the same problem. It does make me wonder how much revenue is lost because of such a minor discrepancy.

So if you're feeling like you want a little extra, pop out and grab yourself a pack of 10 11 pork cocktail sausages from Marks & Spencers or Boots.

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