
Wednesday 18 January 2012

Luncheon Meat

It occurred to me the other night that I'd not blogged yet this year and I know my readers in Singapore will probably be quite concerned that I'm not eating this year. Fear not Singaporeans, I am not on a diet!

As it is January I've been making a conscious effort to bring my own lunch into work. On Monday I had prepared Fried Udon with Luncheon Meat otherwise known as Spam. This brings me on to the product of Luncheon Meat, something that you're certain to find in the cupboards of a Chinese household. However, as controversial as it may sound, us Orientals don't opt for the Western option. Instead, we purchase our own variation from the East, Ma Ling "Premium" Luncheon Meat.
OK, you got me there, as it says on the tin it's produced in Holland but the essence is that of the East. Personally, I have no preference as to which brand I purchase but I do find that Spam is slightly saltier than the Eastern alternatives. Either way, Luncheon Meat is a great accompaniment to noodles, fried rice or in my case sandwiches too cooked or uncooked. If you've never tried it, give it a go, it's the future! It's meat in a tin, forget Tuna that's far too healthy!

For those of you intrigued by the lunch I prepared on Monday, below is a photo. Pan fried with garlic, onions and soy sauce it only takes a few minutes to cook yet even less to devour!

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